Research Links & More
Unusual Research Page: Source For Aharonov-Bohm Papers On The Aharonov-Bohm Effect And Quantum Potentials Involving The Vector Magnetic Potential And The Electric Scalar Potential As Being More Fundamental Than Maxwell Derived Electric And Magnetic Fields.
Booklocker: Space Art by KAF: Space art dealing with exoplanets and astrobiology.
(10-28-02) World Wide Electrogravitational Tests Link Page. This will be updated as new electrogravitational tests, or related information are found on the web. GO: EGTESTS
The Kind of Music I Like:
Sons of the Oregon Trail
(Skip Bessonette, Butch Martin and Marc Chaput sing and tell stories about western life when life out West was wild and free.)
Lifter Technology Sites:
Geographical Sites of interest:
Contains an oscillating magnetic field and much more!
Theoretical Gravitational Mass Reduction via ELF energy.(Posted 04-21-2000)
CHAOS Programs:
Mandelbrot, Quaternions, etc.